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Classes and Support Groups

Cancer can be difficult in many ways, and the journey can feel isolating at times. Oregon Cancer Foundation offers support groups and classes that provide patients the opportunity to share personal experiences, learn coping strategies and navigate cancer during and after treatment.

Newcomer Orientation 
Oregon Cancer Foundation offers an introduction to resources and services available to cancer patients in Lane County. OCF staff will provide an overview of our organization’s services, including support groups, educational classes, assistance programs, and other community resources. Meetings can be scheduled either in person or remotely via Zoom. Caregivers and family members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Contact us to schedule: 541-632-3654 or info@oregoncancerfoundation.org

Warrior Within: Makeup Application Class 
Warrior Within is a makeup application class designed to help local cancer patients look and feel better. Learn tips and tricks for your new look, including how to enhance facial features and focus on eyebrow placement.

When: Dates Vary
Registration is required and space is limited.

Visit our Calendar to register for an upcoming class.


Support groups provide a safe environment to express thoughts and emotions freely. Participants can drop in to share their fears, concerns, hopes and frustrations with others who understand. Support groups meet at the Oregon Cancer Foundation. Visit our Calendar to learn more and for the most current listing of classes and groups.*

Young Women’s Cancer Survivor Group
1st Wednesday of every month 6:30-8:00 pm
This group is an informal, peer-facilitated group for women ages 18-50 who are going through or have completed treatment.

*Breast Cancer Support Group (VIRTUAL – Link is on our calendar)
2nd Wednesday of every month 6:00-7:30 pm
This group is for anyone diagnosed with breast cancer at any stage of their journey.

Coffee, Tea and Cancer General Support Group – Coming Soon! 

For more information or questions, email info@oregoncancerfoundation.org or call 541-632-3654.

Series on Surviving Cancer

I finished treatment. Now what?

When cancer treatment ends, a new chapter of life begins. Our seven-week survivorship series will provide the information and support you need to manage the challenges that arise after cancer treatment.

Over the course of 7 evening sessions, we will feature a variety of topics including:

  • Understanding how relationships are impacted while on the cancer journey
  • Learning how to eat and exercise to help stay healthy and reduce the risk of recurrence
  • Managing anxiety about cancer returning, sadness, depression and other emotions
  • Exploring mindfulness, meditation, spirituality and other forms of self-care and healing
  • Discussing cognitive and behavioral strategies to increase well-being and resiliency
  • Learning about integrative care and alternative healing methods. Such as naturopathy, acupuncture, massage and other complementary approaches and how they can improve your cancer journey

Series presenters
Presenters will be experts on the topics presented and may include local physicians, other medical staff, and other professionals from the community. 

Still in treatment?
Contact us for more information.

WHAT: A seven-week series for cancer survivors exploring issues arising after treatment.

WHEN: Spring 2024 (April 9th – May 21st); Fall 2024 (September 17th – October 29th)

LOCATION: OCF Office, 2296 Oakmont Way, Eugene, OR 97401

COST: Free, but registration is required. Call 541-632-3654 to register by phone.

QUESTIONS:  541-632-3654 or amy@oregoncancerfoundation.org

Financial Assistance

During cancer treatment, finances can be difficult to manage with unexpected expenses and lost work time. Small amounts of financial assistance, delivered quickly, can make a big difference. The foundation provides these stopgap funds, so no patient has to choose between basic needs and optimal cancer treatment.

Applying for financial assistance through the Oregon Cancer Foundation is simple, confidential and fast. Most applications can be processed within one week.

Examples of what funds can cover:

  • Durable medical equipment
  • Groceries
  • Hotel Stays
  • Rent/Mortgage
  • Prescriptions not covered by insurance
  • Transportation costs
  • Utility bills

To be eligible to apply, individuals must live in Lane County and be in treatment, within 6 months of treatment, or in hospice. To find out more about our Financial Assistance Program, please call 541-632-3654.

Financial Assistance


Our Believe Boutique carries complimentary wigs, hats, scarves, and other accessories for cancer patients actively undergoing treatment. A trained volunteer is available to assist with selection and styling. Fittings are by appointment only.


Our Believe Boutique carries complimentary wigs, hats, scarves, and other accessories for cancer patients actively undergoing treatment. A trained volunteer is available to assist with selection and styling. Fittings are by appointment only.

help us grow
With your help, we can do more. Oregon Cancer Foundation’s goal is to provide these services to those impacted by cancer in our community.
Every dollar helps.
Consider making a donation today.